jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019

Cualidades Ingles Dilan Esau Palafox M. 1° "B"

I want to apply for this job:
I can repair computers, besides systems, I can dance folklore, I can´t speak English also German, I can´t drive, I can be punctual, I can cook eggs and soup, I have enough time, I can provide technological support in Spanish, I can´t charge things, unless someone helps me, I can take care of the animals, I can support people in their problems, I can reach the high places, I can´t concentrate on just one thing, even if it is a closed place, I can´t be in one place, I can take care of the animals, I can´t socialize very fast.

Dilan Esaú Palafox Méndez 1°"B"

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